Pierre Seville and Sherry Rudyard

Renée's half brother and step sister. When Renée's mother died giving birth to him his father eventually remarried a Taldan woman from Lionsguard. She brought with her the young Sherry, who got on with Renée suprisingly well as a child. When Pierre was born they were already a close knit family, and he only brought them together more. It wasn't really until Renée's father stood to inherit Le Rai d'Or that their family became broken. Ren's new mother was against the idea since the family curse with the place was well known and she didn't wish to lose her husband. She nearly convinced him to turn down the inheritance when she was brutally murdered in their home. The culprit was never found, but the whispers of it being their demon child certainly circulated. Neither Pierre nor Sherry believed that Renée was capable of hurting their mother, and for a time their father believed the same. When their father did inherit Le Rai d'Or he changed. He began to openly blame Renée for his wife's murder, but there was no evidence to support him. Pierre started to turn against the man and Sherry began blaming him for the death of her mother. Many times the two threatened to leave home and take Renée with them, but they never followed through.

Renée will still receives letters from the both of them. Whenever he knew he'd be settling in one place for a little while he would send notice and they would start to pour in. After Renée was forced to leave their sibling relationship had soured. The two rarely speak to one another anymore and Sherry jumped into a marriage with a Chelaxian noble just so she could escape the Seville line. Pierre stood to inherit Le Rai d'Or, but turned it down in favor of getting into the wine business. His hope is that the Seville brand will become a popular one throughout Golarion. Renée keeps all of these letters in an ornate wooden box that was given to him by Zanzibar for this express purpose. It is the only possession that Renée prizes.

Zanzibar was too charismatic and clever for his own good. He took pride in being able to out think wizards and out talk sorcerers. He'd taken pity on Renée when they first met, and never suspected the two of them would get along as they did, but over time what had been sympathy turned into genuine affection. He even grew to like Renée's dumb twisted face the same way people take to loyal pugs. When the two decided to become life long companions and take on a business, his first thought was of returning to Korvosa. He had meager family there when he left and he'd always wanted to show that damn city he could become its better. However, the family he thought he had were long gone and the city itself had become a bitter shell of what he remembered. Becoming better than it would be a breeze now, and with Renée's knowledge and experience they'd made quick work of it.

Things were going perfectly until the building he'd had his eye on for their tavern was snapped up by traveling merchants. Never one to be able to let things go easily he set himself on course for getting the building back. The course ended in his vicious impaling and Renée's very first violent outburst.